My Supplies

This is where I will post my favorite nail polish brands, my nail polish pens and other supplies that i use to complete my nail polish designs.


One of my secrets to how I paint some of my designs on my nails are these Migi Nail Art pens. You can find them online(ebay, Amazon...etc) and you will not regret buying them! Under the cap they have a fine tip where you squeeze out the nail polish and just draw with them!( Just a tip- keep the tip of the pens clean or it can get hard to use them.) These pens also have the option of a brush when you unscrew the top, so you can use them to paint your nails AND for designs.

                       SO... what you see here are the tools I use for most of my nail designs. Starting from the left there are my own personal Migi Nail Art pens collection! Next are my nail polish bottles with long thin brushes to create nail designs. I got them at the 99 cent store. Then there is my dotter(not actual name...) which helps me create dots with other colors that I do not have a Migi pen for. What also works well for dots are bobby pins! Then there are my giant tooth picks which help with dragging wet nail polish on the nail(ex. flowers with a point) But regular sized tooth picks work just fine. And lastly are my cute nail files! Which you should know what those are and how to use them! <3 
 My Collection!
So if I counted right, I have 60 nail polish bottles! And I still want more! 
You can never have too many colors... because the more colors you have means the more designs you are able to create! 
Also, you dont need to spend the $8 per bottle on nail polish! Go to the dollar store or I like to go to Ross and get the bottles that are only $2 and they work just fine :)

My Nail Care Supplies: 
So I have no idea where I got this stuff- at some random store somewhere! haha
But before i do my nails i got through this process of these three things to keep my nails healthy. The first one I do is I renew my cuticles (with the blue bottle in the picture below) by putting a drop on my nails and rubbing the solution on my cuticles. 
Then I use the Step One bottle which cleans, reinforces and primes your nails to be painted so no oils or anything are on your nails. And last I put the maintenance Plus Solution on my nails which is to help your nails be strong and healthy and keep them that way! It also acts like putting a clear coat down on your nails first to help the paint last longer. 

Favorite Nail Polish Brands
Sally Hansen! I love sally hansen for the bright and fun colors. They are not super expensive,  they are thin bottles which makes it easier pack in a case cause they arent bulky, and they are good quality. 

OPI! This is a really good brand to use if you have the money for it cause they are expensive! They have a wide range of colors that are really good quality. 
OPI also has different kinds of nail polish...such as liquid sand and shatter nail polish.
Liquid sand has a sandy texture to it so when its dry its rough and bumpy. 
The Shatter goes on a solid color and as it dries it starts to crack and shatter(generally you put another color underneath the shatter so when it shatters there is a color underneath)

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